Welcome to Grace House Church!
We started Grace Church as volunteering in the affected areas of Tsunami from March 11 2011. We are trying to establish good relationships with the people in this city by holding a variety of events and activities. And most of all, we are teaching on the Bible, the Love letter from God to us, to make it easier for them to understand God, who loves them all! And we’re hoping to worship the living God together with you as well! You’re more than welcome to join us at Grace House!
Grace House教會,2011年3月11日之東日本大地震之賑災為本教會之始。教會透過各樣的活動,與當地居民建立友好關係。此外,也與來自世界各地的弟兄姐妹們連結,將愛我們的上帝,以及來自上帝的情書,聖經,以當地居民能容易理解的方式,分享教導 神的話語,並與大家以敬虔的心,一同敬拜神。歡迎大家隨時蒞臨本教會。