今日の説教『目がひらかれるということ』 マタイの福音書20章29−34節
Sermon title from October 9: “The Eyes Are Opened.”
Matthew 20:29-34
Yesterday’s sermon was from the passage where Jesus heals the two blind men. They did not know that Jesus was going to pass through Jericho that day, but when they heard that he was near, they cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, Son of David!” I learned that by crying out “Lord” it is a confession of faith at the risk of one’s life because “Lord” was a term of address used only for people of the emperor. I heard that this was done because they believed that Jesus was the one who would heal them. Hearing this, Jesus stopped and called out for them who were in the midst of the multitude but in a lowly position in the world, and asked, “What do you want me to do for you?”. He would ask the same of me today. I was encouraged when I heard in the message yesterday that Jesus is the One who can inherently heal eyes, that nothing is inherently impossible, and all that is left is for us to believe it.