


齋藤 満  Mitsuru Saito



Mitsuru Saito

(speak English and a little bit of Cambodian)

I got my first job as a 15 year old boy. Since then, I have experienced several different jobs and traveled through Japan and other Asian countries. I taught myself photography and guitar. eventually I became a Christian and then entered into a Christian University as an adult. I then went to America to learn English. And then I joined NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) and went into jungle of Northern Cambodia, where there were still lots of land mines, to help them eradicate poverty and develop the town. Since there were no electricity or gas or tap water, I have to basically camp out everyday! Not just that! During my stay, a dispute happened and I had to evacuate! I lived that kind of life for about 2 years. Then I received a calling to become a pastor from God and went to Serinary (it is where you study to become a pastor) and learned Hebrew and Greek. I will break down the most interesting Book in history, THE BIBLE, for you! Just for your interest, I like music, enjoy playing multiple instruments, mountain-trekking, playing basketball, photography, and reading! I live in this beautiful prefecture Iwate with my lovely wife and 2 daughters. Let’s be friends!

齊藤  滿  Mitsuru Saito


在15歲時便開始第一份工作,其後也經歷各種職業,旅行於亞洲各國思考生命的意義。在旅行過程中無師自通學會了彈吉他與拍照。回轉歸向基督後,以社會人士的身份進入基督教大學就讀。至美國留學畢業後,進入國際NGO機構,至仍殘留有地雷之柬埔寨北部部落,進行改善貧窮與當地開發之工作。在沒有電、沒有瓦斯、沒有乾淨水的地區,每天都像是在露營般! 此外,任職於柬埔寨期間經歷了當地的紛爭與戰爭的發生。這樣不安定的生活經過了2年,神呼召我成為牧師,回國後進入神學院裝備 (神學院是為成為牧師而進修之學校),努力學希伯來文與希臘文,將深奧的聖經以淺顯易懂之方式解釋說明。個人的興趣是音樂,演奏各樣樂器。其他也還喜歡爬山、打籃球、拍照、閱讀等。現在與妻子、2名女兒定居在美麗的岩手縣。歡迎大家來和我們當朋友!

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